Success Stories

Dive into our success stories! Explore interviews with the individuals who have developed recognition projects using our Open Badge Factory platform. Gain inspiration for your future projects, with insightful experiences and best practices to explore for your own initiatives.

Higher Education

Dr Wayne Gibbons’ research on digital open badges

“We work within a ‘grade point’ system for our formal recognition, and until I discovered open badges there really was no other way to recognise/reward students for behaviours and skills that fell outside of formal assessment.”



Guiding and scouting activities began in England in 1907 and Finland became one of the first scouting countries already in 1910.

Higher Education

Lahti University of Applied Sciences

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Lahti UAS) is an international higher education institution that offers studies in the fields of culture, business, social and health care, technology and tourism. Around 5000 students are now studying in Lahti UAS towards a Bachelor’s or a Master’s Degree and there are around 400 employees.


Sivis Study Centre

Sivis Study Centre provides adult education and activities for nearly 70 member organisations. These organisations consist from the fields of health, education and culture, citizens’ advice, nature and the environment as well as other specific areas of activity.

Professional Development


SkillSafari is a Finnish organisation dedicated to creating successful careers through recognition and validation of skills with their Open Badges solution.