Date: 28.02.2023

Language: English

Climate Badges for repairing the schools

Climate Badges for repairing the schools

How can we acquire know-how in schools about interdisciplinary and complex subjects like climate? Could we at the same time repair the schools to be more climate-friendly and sustainable: structure, teaching and attitudes.

In this webinar you will hear about our Open Badge Factory -climate badges that are made for students and organisations to show and acquire climate know-how – and not just any know-how. We wanted to concentrate on the community level climate action instead of individual or global action. We’ll need all levels of action, but the community level is both efficient and hopeful, especially in schools. That’s why we created the Repair Manual for Carbon-Neutral Schools.

The badges are a great way to show a student’s already existing know-how for example from NGO’s that they can show in schools too. Or they can use our exercises with full of action and power of change. We have also badges for the whole school community to show the schools commitment and skills in climate action. The school community can plan their vision of a carbon-neutral future, map their emissions and choose the best route for them. Together they’ll plan their road map for a carbon-neutral future.

These badges were made in a project called Climate Upper Secondary Schools (Ilmastolukiot) in Finland and they have been tested in pilot schools for over a  year now. Join the webinar and listen how climate action can be a common goal for different school subjects and a useful and practical thing to do in schools. Together we can build a better future.

Paula Ratava

Speaker : Paula Ratava
Advisory teacher for sustainable future
Project coordinator
City of Oulu

This webinar was held on February 28th 2023


– Link to “Repair Manual for Schools”:
– Recording link: and slides:
