Date: 20.10.2020

Language: English

Badging skills in the new normal

Badging skills in the new normal

The year 2020 surprised and shocked education systems on all corners of the world, from North to South and from West to East. The digitalisation of education, which has been a part of education strategies everywhere became the new normal practically overnight. In Africa, various actors have tried or are looking at badges as a simple and scalable solution to recognise and reward learning and accomplishments. Satu Järvinen from SkillSafari shares insights on her work with badges in various African countries, the opportunities, and challenges badging faces in a rapidly emerging continent.

We inform you that a scheduled release of Open Badge Factory will occur on the 3rd of December at 3 PM CET.
During this time, our platform may experience a brief interruption, but no significant impact is expected.

Nous vous informons qu'une mise à jour programmée d'Open Badge Factory aura lieu le 3 décembre à 15h CET.
Notre plateforme pourra connaître une brève interruption, mais aucun impact significatif n'est prévu.