Create and Issue Open Badges

Easily !

More than 900 organizations trust Open Badge Factory to create and issue their digital badges!

What is an Open Badge?

An Open Badge is an image that contains verifiable information. It’s as simple as that!
Open Badges help showcase skills, talents, and commitments, thus revealing the uniqueness of individuals!

Beyond Diplomas

Open Badges recognize:

Our natural talents and personal qualities, our life experiences and informal learning, our commitments and passions, our soft skills and interpersonal abilities, our journeys, our uniqueness!

Organismes Formation

Training Organizations

To certify and make visible the skills acquired by your learners, offering verifiable digital recognition that they can leverage professionally.

Académies d'entreprise

Corporate Academies

To enhance and certify all training journeys and skills development of your employees. Increase engagement and strengthen your employer brand.
Enseignement supérieur

Higher Education

As a Complement to Your Degrees: Highlight and Certify Students' Commitments and Soft Skills, and Create Micro-certification Pathways.


Recognize the commitment and skills of your volunteers through digital badges. An acknowledgment of their contribution that they can showcase across their networks and resumes.

Each badge has embedded metadata that specifies: who received the badge, which organization issued it, the criteria it was awarded based on, and when it was obtained.

What is Open Badge?

Simple and Quick Creation

Create Your Open Badges to Recognize Skills, Talents, and Commitments in Just a Few Clicks!

Secure Badges

Open Badges Compliant with the International Open Badges 3.0 Standard, Secure and Verifiable.
Group 43

Flexible Issuance

Issue your badges individually, in bulk, on demand, or automated through your learning platform.

Ready to Innovate with Open Badges?

You can try Open Badge Factory Pro version for free, without commitment, for 2 months!

How Does It Work?

Open Badge Factory offers various subscription plans designed to accommodate different types of Open Badge recognition projects. These subscriptions are customizable, scalable, and come without long-term commitments.


Creating Your Open Badges

Create your badge images with your branding, define badge class information: title, description, award criteria, competency framework, trust marks from your partners (endorsements).

Configure Badge Attribution

Define which users are authorized to issue your badges, and the issuing methods: manual issuing, badge application assessment, or automated issuance based on learning records.

Issuing Badges and Certificates

Issue your badges individually, in bulk, evaluate badge applications and evidence provided by your candidates, or trigger badges through specific rules from your information system.

Measuring the Impact of Your Badges

Analyze the impact of your Open Badge strategy. Get reports about acceptance rates, number of shares on social media, and endorsements of your badges by your partners.
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Badges issued with OBF
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