Higher Education Archives - Open Badge Factory https://openbadgefactory.com/en/reference-category/higher-education/ Recognising skills together Mon, 06 May 2024 14:52:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://openbadgefactory.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/favicon-32x32-2.png Higher Education Archives - Open Badge Factory https://openbadgefactory.com/en/reference-category/higher-education/ 32 32 OAMK – Sustainability badges for sustainable travel and tourism https://openbadgefactory.com/en/reference/sustainability-badges-sustainable-travel-and-tourism/ Fri, 29 Mar 2024 14:25:36 +0000 https://openbadgefactory.com/?post_type=reference&p=10217 "We offer people who are already working within the tourism sector, or want to work in that sector, the possibility is to get their skills recognized and validated within the companies and within the working life."

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Dr Wayne Gibbons’ research on digital open badges https://openbadgefactory.com/en/reference/dr-wayne-gibbons-research-on-digital-open-badges-2/ Mon, 01 Feb 2021 08:26:42 +0000 https://openbadgefactory.com/?post_type=reference&p=6259 “We work within a ‘grade point’ system for our formal recognition, and until I discovered open badges there really was no other way to recognise/reward students for behaviours and skills that fell outside of formal assessment.”

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Lahti University of Applied Sciences https://openbadgefactory.com/en/reference/lahti-university-of-applied-sciences/ Mon, 30 Nov 2020 09:04:42 +0000 https://openbadgefactory.com/?post_type=reference&p=5348 Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Lahti UAS) is an international higher education institution that offers studies in the fields of culture, business, social and health care, technology and tourism. Around 5000 students are now studying in Lahti UAS towards a Bachelor’s or a Master’s Degree and there are around 400 employees.

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