EntreComp Explorer (Individual)

EntreComp Explorer (Individual)


The EntreComp Community


The EntreComp Community is a network of people and organisations interested in or actively involved in learning experiences that develop entrepreneurial skills for life, work and change-makers. Underpinned by EntreComp, the community is about supporting education, training and learning professionals from all sectors to connect, learn, share and get recognised for their efforts. The EntreComp Awards are an initiative of the European Union, as part of a commitment to achieve EntreComp synergies and champions.


EntreComp, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurship, lifeskills
This badge is designed to recognise and share how you are exploring entrepreneurial practices


SCROLL DOWN to answer a few simple questions and get your EntreComp Practitioner badge.

What is this badge?

The EntreComp Explorer Badge is a digital badge that evidences your practices which develop entrepreneurial competences. This is about learning in any context - across education or youth-work, in the community or in employment, as an entrepreneurial activist or as an entrepreneur.

To be awarded this badge, you need to document how you are exploring entrepreneurial learning and links to EntreComp - how your work helps others to develop the EntreComp competences. To do this - go to this link, log in and add a practice. You will be asked to add a weblink to this submitted practice in the badge application form below. Add your practice at The EntreComp Practice Map.

Each applicant needs to provide brief information on the following: - list text herecontext of the learning - description of the learning practice(s) supporting development of entrepreneurial competences - the role or relevance of the EntreComp framework In the spirit of EntreComp, The experience can be positive or negative - the main point being reflecting on and learning from the exploration of learning practices!

This badge was designed and is issued through the EntreCompEurope project, co-funded by the European Union COSME programme.

To be awarded this badge, you needs to document how you are exploring entrepreneurial learning and links to EntreComp - how your work helps others to develop the EntreComp competences. To do this - go to this link, log in and add a practice. You will be asked to add a weblink to this submitted practice in the badge application form below. . Add your practice at The EntreComp Practice Map

Each applicant needs to provide brief information on the following: - context of the learning - description of the learning practice(s) supporting development of entrepreneurial competences - the role or relevance of the EntreComp framework In the spirit of EntreComp, The experience can be positive or negative - the main point being reflecting on and learning from the exploration of learning practices!

This badge was designed and is issued through the EntreCompEurope project, co-funded by the European Union COSME programme.

Perhaps it helped to: - mobilise interest in entrepreneurial learning and inspire action; - create value by exploring how to use EntreComp competences or the framework in different learning contexts; - reflect on, appraise & assess levels of entrepreneurship competence; - implement entrepreneurial ideas and projects - recognise entrepreneurial skills and actions Want more information? Join the EntreComp Community to find out more or read the practical guide here: https://entrecomp.thinqi.com/repository/resource/9ce82c65-1833-4a6c-bff1-42b682b4963f/en

EntreComp Europe is co-funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information shared. By completing this registration form you confirm that Bantani Education may process your data on behalf of the EntreComp Europe project partners in order to facilitate this online event. For further information, please consult the EntreComp Europe Privacy Statement [https://entrecompeurope.eu/privacy-statement/], or contact us via email at info@entrecompeurope.eu www.entrecompeurope.eu www.entrecompedu.eu

For full privacy policy see https://entrecomp.com/privacy-policy/
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