Digital Supporter - Public Officer

Digital Supporter - Public Officer

Digi- ja väestötietovirasto edistää yhteiskunnan digitalisaatiota, turvaa tietojen saatavuutta ja tarjoaa palveluja asiakkaiden elämäntapahtumiin.

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency offers digital support actors the opportunity to verify their competence in digital support guidance situations. Competence based on the material "Public authorities as providers of digital support" can be verified with the digital badge "Digital Supporter - Public Officer" NOTE! Please complete the badge using your organization's (e.g., authority, municipality, welfare area) email address. By completing the badge, a digital supporter verifies: - They can distinguish between digital support given in service situations and general digital support. - They understand the contents and limits of digital support provided in service situations and general digital support. Core competencies: - Understands that the authority must provide digital support related to the authority's own services. - Understands that digital support provided in service situations is mainly limited to the authority's own transactions and related services, as well as the possible use of a shared device. - Understands that general digital support (e.g., digital support provided in libraries) cannot be provided for transactions. General digital support offers, as the name implies, general support using public instructions and available services, for example, the use of the customer's own mobile device.


The badge is awarded based on correct answers.

Issuer endorsements

  • Tämä organisaatio on luotettu jäsen verkostossamme

  • Teemme yhteistyötä tämän organisaation kanssa

  • Myönnämme tämän organisaation merkkejä

  • Jaamme merkit tämän organisaation kanssa

  • This organisation is a trusted member of our network

  • We recognise badges issued by this organisation

  • We design or co-create badges in collaboration with this organisation

  • Badges created and issued by this organisation align with our standards

  • Suunnittelemme tai kehitämme yhteistyössä merkkejä tämän organisaation kanssa

  • Jaamme merkit tämän organisaation kanssa

  • Teemme yhteistyötä tämän organisaation kanssa

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