MiB Event expert

MiB Event expert

Mothers in Business MiB ry on verkosto urasuuntautuneille äideille, joille työn ja perheen yhdistäminen on luonnollinen osa arkea. Me tarjoamme mahdollisuuden työelämätaitojen ja oman osaamisen kehittämiseen ja edistämme äitien asemaa työelämässä ja yhteiskunnassa. MiB järjestää vuosittain useita satoja tapahtumia, hautomotoimintaa ja mentorointiohjelmia, joissa jäsenillä on mahdollisuus luoda arvokkaita verkostoja, kehittää taitojaan, oppia uutta ja edetä urallaan. MiBissä toimii noin 260 vapaaehtoistoimijaa ympäri Suomea.

Mothers in Business MiB is a network for career-oriented mothers for whom combining work and family is a natural part of everyday life. We offer opportunities to develop your skills and competences and promote the role of mothers in working life and society. MiB organises hundreds of events, incubation activities and mentoring programmes each year, giving members the opportunity to build valuable networks, develop their skills, learn new things and advance their careers. MiB has around 260 volunteers from all over Finland.

Mothers in Business MiB är ett nätverk för karriärinriktade mammor för vilka det är en naturlig del av vardagen att kombinera arbete och familj. Vi erbjuder möjligheter att utveckla dina färdigheter och kompetenser och främjar mödrarnas roll i arbetslivet och samhället. MiB anordnar hundratals evenemang, hubaktiviteter och mentorprogram varje år, vilket ger medlemmarna möjlighet att bygga värdefulla nätverk, utveckla sina färdigheter, lära sig nya saker och främja sina karriärer. MiB har cirka 260 volontärer från hela Finland.


event, expert, mib, organizing, volunteering
A MiB volunteer who has been awarded the Event Expert badge ideas, plans and implements events to provide member services, develop the professional skills of participants and activate the peer network. The Event Participant knows the objectives and guidelines of the association's events.


The recipient of this badge knows

  • be able to conceive, plan and implement a MiB event that enhances professional skills or supports mothers' peer networks
  • be able to plan and organise an event from start to finish, taking into account family-friendly practices
  • be able to contact the speaker, book the venue, budget and market the event
  • be able to manage the event in the association's event management system, communicate through the system and collect feedback from participants
  • be able to take care of the winding-up and after-event marketing of an event
  • be able to take into account the networking of event participants

The badge has been awarded by a representative of Mothers in Business MiB ry.

Choose one at least.
At least three MiB events
At least five events
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