Entrepreneurial Thinking

Entrepreneurial Thinking

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) constitute the Tampere Universities community. Our areas of priority in research and education are technology, health and society.


entrepreneurship, problemsolvingskills, reflectionskills, self-awareness, self-efficacy, toleranceofuncertainty
This is a badge awarded by the Tampere University Community for demonstrating entrepreneurial thinking. Entrepreneurial thinking can be observed in various aspects of life, such as hobbies, studies, and work. The badge is granted by HUBS, which promotes sustainable entrepreneurship and challenges myths at both TAMK and the University of Tampere. We believe that every university student needs entrepreneurial skills, and we offer optional studies to be integrated into degrees in different fields. Explore our activities at https://hubs.fi/en.


The recipient of this badge possesses

The knowledge and willingness to approach new situations in a solution-oriented manner, demonstrating the following abilities:

-Sufficient self-awareness and self-confidence to consider potential solutions and strategies for success.

-The ability to perceive problems as opportunities.

-Creative and solution-focused thinking.

-The capacity to learn from both failures and successes (reflective ability).

-Understanding and recognizing the potential for impact, even in uncertain circumstances across various aspects of life

Assessment Criteria

The recipient of this badge has demonstrated the following in their reflection on the online platform:

-The ability to think in a solution-oriented manner in problem situations and uncertain conditions. Describe a situation that challenged you and your approach to it.

-The ability to identify opportunities for impact in different situations across various aspects of life. Describe your thinking and ideation process for finding solutions.

-The ability to reflect on the development of your thinking and self-awareness over a specific period.

Competence Demonstration

You may choose option 1 or 2.

Option 1: This badge can be earned by engaging in the Foundations of Entrepreneurship course by HUBS. In this case, share your transcript of study records in your badge application by adding a shareable link to the form below (link address field).

Option 2: Familiarize yourself with the EntreComp framework for entrepreneurial competencies (link provided).

-Select 3-5 competencies from the EntreComp model and reflect on your development through those competencies.

-Describe how your thinking has evolved over a specific period, such as during your university studies or in your project work.

-The reflection can take the form of text, video, or a podcast. Word count limit: 300 words. Video or podcast duration: max. 3 minutes.

Store your demonstration file in an online location of your choice (e.g., OneDrive) and share the link in your badge application by adding it to the form below ("link address").

Evidence of Competence

You can get this badge by showcasing your entrepreneurial thinking in a form a of a document, blog, video etc.

Provide a concrete description of how you have acted entrepreneurially. Note the criteria given above. Save the outcome online and share the link in this application.

Share here your competence demonstration. Make sure that you are sharing a link with the viewing options to a file NOT a Moodle platform, LinkedIn profile etc.
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