The EntreComp Community is a network of people and organisations interested in or actively involved in learning experiences that develop entrepreneurial skills for life, work and change-makers. Underpinned by EntreComp, the community is about supporting education, training and learning professionals from all sectors to connect, learn, share and get recognised for their efforts. The EntreComp Awards are an initiative of the European Union, as part of a commitment to achieve EntreComp synergies and champions.
Scroll down to answer a few simple questions and get your supporter badge.
What is this badge?
The EntreComp Supporter (Organisation) Badge is a digital badge for those organisations who are just starting their journey in supporting entrepreneurial learning, and want to show their support for entrepreneurial learning. This is about learning in any context - across education or youth-work, in the community or in employment, as an entrepreneurial activist or as an entrepreneur.
This is a fully open and instantly accredited award. This means that all you need to do is just apply on this link and your award will be instantly available to share.
The badge shows that you are part of the global community of people and organisations who want everyone to have the opportunity to develop and practice being entrepreneurial in life, as an active citizen, in your community or in the workplace. Interested to know more? Join The EntreComp Community.
This badge was designed and is issued through the EntreCompEurope project, co-funded by the European Union COSME programme.
Click "Save and continue later" if you wish to save your work.
The application is not sent for assessment until you click "Submit application."