Digipeda Developer

Digipeda Developer

Haaga-Helia is a private university of applied sciences that provides education for professionals and specialists in business and services.

This competency badge demonstrates that you are able to develop your online course based on the feedback you received. You can apply for the Digipeda Developer competence badge once you have obtained the Digipeda Expert badge.


Learning outcomes

You can develop your online course through continuous dialogue with internal and external stakeholders.

Assessment criteria

Student feedback

  • Feedback is collected at the end of the implementation, in longer implementations also intermediate feedback is collected.
  • The online course is developed based on the feedback
  • Students are informed on how their feedback has been taken into account.

Continuous development

  • The online course is developed during the implementation through continuous dialogue with students and other stakeholders, such as peers and workplace representatives.
  • In addition to the minimum quality criteria for online implementations at Haaga-Helia, the course will include premium-level quality criteria activities.

Issuer endorsements




Suosittelemme Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulua, sillä:

  • Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu on luotettu jäsen verkostossamme.

  • Teemme tiivistä yhteistyötä Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa hankkeessamme.

  • Suunnittelemme ja kehitämme yhteistyössä merkkejä Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa.

Describe and justify how the requirements according to the assessment criteria of the competence mark are realized in your course.

• Make a screenshot video recording of the learning platform you are using (Moodle, Teams). Describe and justify in the video, in the order of the quality criteria, how you have the requirements of the competence badge criteria are fulfilled in your course. Consider student privacy.

• Share links with read access.

• Make sure that the content of all the criteria for the competence badge appears in your descriptions.

Choose the campus where you usually work.
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