Digipeda Scaffolder

Digipeda Scaffolder

Haaga-Helia is a private university of applied sciences that provides education for professionals and specialists in business and services.


feedback, guidance, security, support, usability
The competence badge indicates that you are able to design an online course according to the Quality Criteria for Online Implementations at Haaga-Helia. The Digipeda Designer competence badge is part of the Digipeda Expert competence badge, which consists of three basic competence badges (Digipeda Designer, Digipeda Scaffolder and Digipeda Assessor)


Learning outcomes

You will be able to build a clear, usable and cyber-secured learning environment on a web-based platform where the student has access to adequate, timely guidance and feedback.

You will be able to describe to the student how they receive support for their studies and technical issues.

You can use learning analytics to support a student's learning process.

Assessment criteria

Clear, usable and secure implementation

  • The overall contents are presented in a unified style.
  • Contents (e.g. folders, pages, files) are named understandably and their functionality has been ensured.
  • Font variation is minimized. The default font size is large enough and can be enlarged.
  • Visual elements and effects are used sparingly to support the contents.
  • Link descriptions are informative and understandable.
  • Links open to a new browser window.
  • Links work.
  • The applications selected for the online implementation work.
  • The applications and materials used on the course meet all relevant information security requirements.
  • The studies can be carried out regardless of the type of terminal equipment.

Adequate and timely guidance and feedback

  • The students have an opportunity to receive guidance and feedback from the teacher during the course.
  • The arrangement and implementation methods of providing guidance and feedback are described on the online platform.
  • The responsible persons, channels and schedules related to student guidance can easily be found on the online platform.
  • The online platform has a channel for the students’ feedback and questions.
  • The online platform provides the students with an opportunity to follow their progress on the course.

Adequate support in case of pedagogical or technical challenges

  • The online platform features descriptions of the support services provided to the students (contact information through which they can receive help regarding any questions they have about the contents and completion of their studies or technical problems).

Issuer endorsements




Suosittelemme Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulua, sillä:

  • Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu on luotettu jäsen verkostossamme.

  • Teemme tiivistä yhteistyötä Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa hankkeessamme.

  • Suunnittelemme ja kehitämme yhteistyössä merkkejä Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa.

Describe and justify how the requirements according to the assessment criteria of the competence mark are realized in your course.

• Make a screenshot video recording of the learning platform you are using (Moodle, Teams). Describe and justify in the video, in the order of the quality criteria, how you have the requirements of the competence badge criteria are fulfilled in your course. Consider student privacy.In your application, please state the name and code of the course on the learning platform.

• Share links with read access.

• Make sure that the content of all the criteria for the competence badge appears in your descriptions.

Choose the campus where you usually work.
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