Global Talent

Global Talent


Abroad, Adaptable, Communication, Competence, Curious, Exchange, Intercultural, International, Multi-cultural, Open-minded, Persistent, Placement, Problem-solving, Study, Team-work, Work
The holder of this badge has gained exceptional global competence during his/her university studies. A period abroad has fostered the student’s persistence, curiosity and courage The student is adaptable, has proven problem-solving skills and has developed multicultural team-working skills. The student has interest in global issues and has created international networks. In order to get the badge, the student has fulfilled each criteria in the following fields: 1. Communication 2. Intercultural Competence 3. International Experience Abroad


1. Language and Communication: The student has professional language and communication skills in English and an ability to use one or several other languages, to operate in an international environment.

  • The student has professional level communication skills in English.
  • The student has demonstrated that he/she can use English or another foreign language in a professional setting by completing min. 25 ECTS credits of academic course work
  • The student has demonstrated an ability to use additional language(s) other than one’s native language or English in everyday life.
  • The student has developed his/her presentation skills by sharing about his/her international experience for other students e.g. in events or social media.

2. Inter-cultural competence: The student understands what intercultural competence consists of and has shown interest and ability to develop his/her competence.

  • The student has completed min. 3 ECTS academic courses on intercultural competence. The student is able to pay attention to key cultural factors and can explain what is needed to operate appropriately and efficiently with people from different cultural backgrounds. The student has shown ability to reflect on his/her competences and to set goals for developing them in the course.
  • The student has taken a minimum of 5 ECTS credits of professional courses with a global perspective within his/her own field.

3. International experience abroad: The student has shown curiosity and courage to challenge himself/herself by spending time abroad, while practicing his/her communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

  • The student has completed a min. 2-month student exchange or a min. 2-month work placement abroad. The badge issuer may also approve previous experience abroad.
  • The student has demonstrated the ability to operate effectively in another culture by succeeding in the agreed goals of the study or work placement.

Issuer endorsements


Badge Finland

Tämä organisaatio on jäsen Badge Finland -verkostossa.

Verkoston jäsenenä organisaatio edistää eri tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistamista ja tunnustamista Open Badges -digitaalisten osaamismerkkien avulla.

Organisaatio tekee yhteistyötä niin verkoston jäsenten kuin muiden organisaatioiden kanssa levittääkseen tietoisuutta Open Badges -konseptista.

Badge Finland -verkoston verkkosivuilla jaetaan avoimesti tietoa verkoston jäsenistä ja toiminnasta.

  • Tämä organisaatio on luotettu jäsen verkostossamme

  • Tämän organisaation luomat ja myöntämät merkit vastaavat standardejamme

Dear student, Please find the application form for the Global Talent Open Badge below. The Global Talent badge has been created in collaboration with Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland, in dialogue with the working life, students and various interest groups.

In order to get the badge, you need to complete each criteria in the following fields: 1. Language and Communication 2. Intercultural Competence 3. International Experience Abroad

By applying for the Open badge, you accept that your e-mail address will be used by the service provider and your application will be stored in Open Badge Factory in order to award you the Open badge.

Please contact Ms. Linda Krokfors, if you have any questions related to the application for the Global Talent Open Badge.

All native speakers of English are considered to automatically fulfil the criteria.
The courses need to be included in your ToR. This can include studies at Centria, the Host University, work placement or other studies accepted by Centria. Language courses cannot be included in this field.
The additional language needs to be some other language than the official languages of the your country, e.g. Swedish/Finnish for Finnish citizens. Exception is made for e.g. Finnish students having excellent skills in Swedish, studying in Sweden. Please attach certificate.
Please insert your language certificate for foreign language (e.g. OLS, University certificate, IELTS or similar)
Presentation in social media needs to be in a regular or structured manner to support internationalization activities at Centria or the host University.
The course needs to be included in the attached transcript or other certificate. The title can vary from e.g. intercultural communication, intercultural learning etc.
This refers to e.g. a course in International Marketing for Marketing students or Global health for Nursing students. Min. requirement is 5 ECTS and the course need to be included in the transcript attached.
International degree seeking students can count the stay in Finland for this criterion, if you have moved to Finland to complete the degree (option 3). The different experiences needs to be proven with certificate, including the time period.
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