Badge Nation – OBF Badge Application Savvy

Badge Nation – OBF Badge Application Savvy

Earners of this badge have developed awareness of badge applications as a method of issuing digital badges via Open Badge Factory (OBF).

Additional Details

This activity takes hours to complete. Earners access this activity for free.

  • Earner has shown willingness to learn about ways to issue digital badges by reading information about badge applications. They have understood that a badge application is an online application form enabling individuals to volunteer their information to be issued with a specific badge.
  • Earner has developed awareness of the benefits of using badge applications to issue digital badges, including automating processes, easing manual gathering of personal information, providing a method of earner consent for GDPR, and improving badge acceptance rates.
  • Earner has gained knowledge of approval methods for badge applications and explored which user roles on OBF can be used to create badge applications.
  • Earner has shown their understanding of badge applications by successfully passing a short quiz to test their knowledge.
  • This badge is open to all.
  • Accessed online.