Non-formal adult education/Nordic folkbildning competence EQF 3

Non-formal adult
education/Nordic folkbildning competence EQF 3

The earner of this badge has EQF level 3 competence in carrying out adult education courses or events in accordance with non-formal adult education/Nordic folkbildning principles. This badge was earned by providing evidence of at least 3 out of 5 criteria and based on self-assessment. The badge was developed by adult education organizations in Finland, Lithuania and Sweden in a Nordplus Adult Education project.

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The earner of this badge has EQF level 3 competence in carrying out adult education courses or events in accordance with non-formal adult education/Nordic folkbildning principles. This badge was earned by providing evidence of at least 3 out of 5 criteria listed below and based on self-assessment.

The earner of this badge:

  • Understands and accepts the idea of non-formal adult education/folkbildning and runs the course with these in mind.

  • Understands the role of adult education in lifelong and lifewide learning as it is described in folkbildning.

  • Can plan and lead the learning process in a way that allows for a democratic approach.

  • Can deploy a number of different methods, suitable for non-formal adult education/Nordic folkbildning.

  • Shows an attitude of folkbildning in terms of roles and relations within a group and towards the group’s work.