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RUR'Up Summer School Badge

RUR'Up Summer School Badge

Issued on 1658485703 by

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Galway City

Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Galway City

To achieve the RUR' Up Summer School Badge, the learner has completed the 'Sustainable development of peripheral rural areas in the EU' Programme. Completion of the RUR'UP Summer School demonstrates that the learner has applied background knowledge and completed practical activities such as case study research and analysis, stakeholder engagement, presentations and group collaboration as part of transnational groups. The award of the RUR'UP Summer School Badge demonstrates that students completed a total of 6 working days with 8 hours completed each day, i.e. 48 learning hours across one week of the RUR'UP Summer School Programme located in Thessaly, Greece. The RUR'UP Summer School Badge reflects extensive collaboration work by the student in transnational projects and successful presentation of their work throughout the week to peers, educational professionals and local stakeholder groups. The specific learning goals of the course were: 1. Obtain a broad understanding of social, environmental and economic characteristics of Peripheral Rural Areas in their regional contexts 2. Gain insights into the participatory innovation process 3. Develop awareness of the variety of existing innovations of relevance and their transferability across contexts 4. Practice of international collaborative work with diverse stakeholders and in English. Disclaimer: This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union The European Commission has supported the production of this publication but this does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. RUR'UP Project: "Innovative Education for Sustainable Development in Peripheral Rural Areas" Erasmus+ agreement No. 2020-1EL01-KA203-079121
#Agriculture #Development #Innovation #Policy #Practice #Rural #Sustainability


Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Galway City is a Higher Education technological university based in the west of Ireland.


**Badge Criteria:

To achieve this badge, the learner must have met the following criteria:**

  1. Completion of the RUR'UP course "“Sustainable development of peripheral rural areas in the EU" through a participating Higher Education Institution.

  2. Participated in collaborative work in groups, field research and presentation of results throughout the RUR'UP Summer School and achieved the following standards:

  3. The student's work corresponded to the assignment instructions. All learning outputs were included and questions addressed, there were no mistakes in understanding the key topics and they were discussed with clarity.

  4. The student demonstrated the skill to present arguments that were strong, insightful and constructively critical. The sources of arguments are given i.e. whether the argumentation is based on scientific literature or on their own thinking or prior knowledge.

  5. The written learning tasks were structured in a logical and coherent way.

  6. The student critically reviewed the development of their skills during the course and also gave constructive feedback to peers.

  7. Submission of RUR'UP Summer School course feedback.