Internet of Things – Introduction

Internet of Things – Introduction

Badge awarded to

hamed ahmadinia

Issued on 1695012504 by

FITech Network University

FITech Network University

LUT University: Internet of Things – Introduction, 1 ECTS. This course gives a comprehensive introduction into the state of IoT in the modern world and familiarise a student with key concepts of the subject. The course includes four parts: Introduction, Systems, information and networks Probability and game theory Applications of IoT systems A student learna about different types of data and their possible impact on communications between devices. Upon completion of the course, the student is able to identify the applications for IoT systems and perform basic analysis of such systems.



FITech Network University

FITech (The Finnish Institute of Technology) is a network of Finnish universities of technology founded in 2017. FITech Network University offers selected university courses free of charge for Finnish people and permanent residents of Finland.


The course has been completed and the credits have been registered at the organizing university.