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Teaching Hero Award 2021

Teaching Hero Award 2021

Issued on 1629244800 by

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The holder of this Digital Badge was recognised as a Teaching Hero in the 2021 student-led Teaching Hero awards. The Awards are organised by the National Forum in collaboration with the Union of Students in Ireland and other students’ unions nationwide and provide an opportunity for students across the country to recognise and celebrate outstanding teaching in our higher education institutions. This year students were asked to describe why their nominees deserved recognition as an innovative or inspiring teacher.



  • Recipients are nominated by individual students, who submit a short personal piece (a maximum of 150 words) that explains why the person is their ‘Teaching Hero’
  • Students were asked to describe why their nominees deserved recognition as an innovative or inspiring teacher.
  • Recipients must be someone who taught the nominator while they were registered as a student in higher education and may include librarians, supervisors, tutors, instructors, and lecturers.
  • The award recognises and celebrates outstanding teaching in our higher education institutions.